About Witty Bimbo

   Who we are  

Witty Bimbo is an event centered non-profit organization serving the sex worker community in Texas. We promote community building, healing, and education to those we reach.

  What we do

Our three core principles are Community, Healing, and Education. 

We wish to implement these principles through community building events, healing workshops, and educational classes.

Such events have included clothing swap meet-ups, first-time homebuyer classes, and tantra workshops. 

   How we do it

Through private and public donors, partnerships, and volunteers we create community outreach programs and fundraisers to continue to provide the support sex workers need. 

The funds that we raise will pay facilitators and instructors -keeping the events 100% free to students and attendees.

At Witty Bimbo, we believe in empowering those we serve by supporting their choices and agency to govern themselves.

We provide resources to those who wish to exit the industry, and continued support to those who wish to remain.

It is our goal to present holistic lifestyle teachings and education to ensure the well-being of current sex workers as well as previous and exiting sex workers.

We do not condone or condemn the illegal sex trade, but rather support those in the adult arts and industry to see themselves as a collective of entrepreneurs.

Meet our founder

My name is Mel Rice. I am a veteran sex worker, trauma survivor, healer and ally. I have spent over a decade in the Austin strip club circles where I have found a home among my peers. Unwilling to leave this chosen family and shelter, I decided to take back my power and heal and restore health and well being in my community.

Witty Bimbo has been a therapeutic and cathartic endeavor and my only wish is to share this experience with all who are interested.

Mel Rice


To facilitate discussion and space for sex workers to explore healthy coping mechanisms and education..


Witty Bimbo is the place for sex workers to build community, within the workplace, and beyond. Our goal is to facilitate healthy communication tactics in order to better serve each other, as we work together. Sex workers share a special bond and we wish to nurture that connection and spark growth for and with each other. Witty Bimbo provides monthly events, social media forums and networking opportunities to grow mutually beneficial connections within the sex work community.


Education is the key to personal development and progress. By offering free training in many disciplines, we believe individuals can pursue their self-improvement -on their terms. Witty Bimbo presents financial literacy classes as well as yoga and meditation meetups and we plan to expand our education to dance, cooking and sales courses within the next year. This programming allows the sex work community to see its self as a collective of entrepreneurs who can serve resources for each other and share their gifts with the world.


Predicated on the knowledge that sex work is a healing craft, we promote therapeutic avenues and outreach for people in the community. We believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to mend their wounds and work with their trauma in order to solve it. Thus, we urge healthy healing practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and therapy assistance. These programs not only help the individual, but encourage better workplace morale and performance.

Make a donation.

Your Donation to Witty Bimbo is greatly appreciated.
